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Posts Tagged ‘Natalie Bergman

One to watch: Wild Belle’s infectious debut single ‘Keep You’

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What a painfully cool family the Chicago-based Bergman‘s are: Elliot and Natalie (known as, Wild Belle), the funk and reggae-inspired sibling duo and Elise, the handmade, eco-conscious women’s fashion designer. Genealogical records are sketchy at this point, but I am certain that the parents of such effortlessly voguish children are just as impressive. My guess; international human rights lawyer and inventor of the ceramic hair straightening irons.

Wild Belle are currently touring the US, but have been making waves this side of the Atlantic due to debut single, ‘Keep You‘. The track is simply delightful and I challenge any listener to keep their feet firmly stationery throughout. The track is currently available to stream at the link below:

I think this band has a unique sound, which I welcome in today’s grime/hip-hop/dance-flooded charts. I bunch the three together as they do, admittedly, tend to blur in to one for me. A bit like an optical illusion, but without the ugly old woman’s face at the end.


shelleyhanveywriter 🙂

Written by shelleyhanveywriter

February 21, 2012 at 5:56 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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